Will of the people

3 min readJan 18, 2021

Will of the people baby, will of the people!

This government is very prompt at telling us they are enacting the “Will of the people”. They are, after all, “The people's government”. I thought I would look at unemployment and the government's response to it.

I shall start with the simple stuff. “Do people out of work need more support from the benefits system”? Well shit! That one is quite easy. “The benefits system offers too little support for this group”, by a whopping 11%. That should be easy then, a no brainer, surely.

Oops, silly me. They plan to cut unemployment benefits by £20 p/w from April. Strangely, this is after all “The people's government”, and they don’t have any issues spending money, whatever it takes! Well, that is only one poll, in others “the will of the people” must be different! Okay, “How is the government handling the issue of unemployment”. Bugger, 49% have answered that they are mishandling it. Well, that can’t be right!

Do people who have a disability need more support from the benefits system” This is an easy hit for them, we all know that the disabled sit at home watching TV with Sky Subscriptions while using an iPhone and eating takeaways. Well shit, 45% of people think that they should be offering more support.

But, you see, we are missing an important point here. We can’t afford to spend more on the poor and needy! We can’t tax people… uh-oh. “Are taxes on the rich too high or low in Britain”. Well bugger me sideways and call me Satania. 60% of the public think we do not tax the rich enough!

Let’s break this down. The is not “The Peoples Government” if it were they’d be doing what the people wanted. They are not enacting “the will of the people” if they were they’d be looking to support the jobless and the disabled. This has always been and will always be the will of a select group of people. A select group whos interests five years ago just happened to align with that of the people who bothered to vote. It has never been about you or me; it has always been about them.

Do you really think that people like Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nadine Dorris and Iain Duncan-Smith have your interests at heart? What is more likely. Is it more likely that they really want what is best for you, or… that they use us to get what they want, remembering every four years or so that we are needed? If they really believed in doing what the public wanted, why refuse to help the unemployed and disabled?

Your vote is important. Do not elect people who do not do what the public want. These people are elected to serve the UK in its best interests, and they are elected to do what is right for us all as a whole. This mob… They are doing what is best for them and them alone. No politician is perfect, no party faultless, but do not by into the myth that they are all the same. Some are far worse than others.

